New Moon message

aisha north

By now, you have entered

a whole new way of existence.

One where you will be invited

to let go, simplify.

Allow yourself to simply

sink into the awareness

that is emerging within you.

So many are focused on what to do,

and as such, you see the chaos

unfolding around you.

But know that this chaos

is the true restructuring of mankind.

It is the falling away of everything

that no longer serves you.

Because everything that is dying now,

does so in order to nurture your growth.

Everything in nature revolves in cycles.

A time to sow, a time to reap.

And now, it is time to take a pause,

to reflect, to sink into

this immense stillness within you.

And there, you will see,

you will feel the new life

that is already starting

to stir into life within you.

So let go.

Of everything that has…

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